3. Januar 2015

Last Meninas | MOOninas

Great Masters of Art have "Las Meninas" by Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquez in their repertoire, had to deal with Velázquez "Las Meninas" for their own art.

Pablo Picasso used the Meninas as a field of experiments for his paintings. Yasumasa Morimura, Equipo Cronica, Fernando Botero, Sophie Matisse, Yue Minjun, Joaquín Sorolla, Jose Luis Pascual and Antonio Guijarro Morales also dealt with "Las Meninas" and created great works.

Suddenly, at the end of 2014 I became fascinated by Picasso's Meninas - got knowledge through the Museo Picasso Málaga - so much that I have to create my "Last Meninas", the MOOninas.

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